60 Seconds on Million-Dollar Emails

Any good email marketer knows the best emails sound conversational. Breezy. Natural.

But what if your brain is having one of those “20% human, 80% slug” days and the words aren’t coming?

Introducing PWAT — otherwise known as the Million-Dollar Minimalist Email Formula.

“Oooo” I hear you say, “what’s that?”

Well, dear reader, it’s a four-step structure that helps you crank out juicy emails… and fast!

Ready? Let’s do this.

The P stands for “Problem.” You begin the email by simply calling out an issue the recipient is likely to be facing.


Are you tired of hitting the gym 3 times a week, only to find you’re not packing on muscle?

Next, we’ve got the W, which stands for “Why.”

In this section, we outline what the reason for the problem may be and offer them a feeling of hope that they can fix it.


If this is the case, then it might be that your lifting technique is off ever so slightly — we’re talking no more than a couple of inches. Yet the difference in results can be HUGE.

Now we move onto the third section — A. This stands for “Agitate.”

At this stage, we’re really aiming to heat things up! We wanna make it clear that if they don’t address the problem, they’re not going to be able to achieve their goals.


Failing to make this minor yet powerful tweak in lifting form often means that the rate of muscle-building is < 40% of what it could be. And of course, it causes a lot of wasted time for those hoping to get the body shape they want.

Finally, we cover the T part of the PWAT email formula. This stands for “Tease.”

We want to give them a call-to-action that teases their ideal solution. Ideally, this link will go to a relevant product, landing page, or perhaps an in-depth blog article with more information.


==> Use this technique to easily tweak your lifting form by a couple of inches, then watch your arm muscles EXPAND (within a fortnight!)

So there you have it:

P - Problem

W- Why

A - Agitate

T - Tease

A deliciously simple (yet effective) base to structure your emails, next time you’re out of ideas.

Here is where I’ve been learning about million-dollar emails today if you want to find out more.


Declan Davey,

Health Copywriter & Marketing Something-or-Other 😜


60 Seconds on Avoiding the Spam Folder


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